Iran is home to the best healthcare specialists in the world & is increasingly gaining acceptance as the leading destination for affordable, world-class medical and cosmetic treatments; in consequence, on September 6, 2006, IRHTO Iran health tourism organizer, taking an approach to researching & studying about health tourism & providing medical services, was founded in Tehran.
Andishe Gardeshgar,e, Asia, as the owner of the IRHTO brand has the local and international legal and contact licenses and provides its services via international quality standards.
Medical and Tourism services provided by IRHTO
تعد ايران موطنًا أفضل للمهنيين ألصحيين في ألعالم وكوجهة رائدة للعلاجات ألطبية وألتجميلية ذات الأسعار ألمعقولة في جميع أنحاء ألعالم، لذا فإن IRHTO من خلال نهج بحث ودراسة حول السياحة ألصحية وألخدمات ألطبية في 6 سبتمبر 2006 تأسست في طهران، اندیشه ألسیاحیة آسیا تمتلك ألشركة، بصفتها مالك ألعلامة ألتجارية IRHTO، جميع ألتراخيص وألعقود ألقانونية ألمحلية وألدولية مع ألأشخاص ألحقیقیون وألمعتبرین داخل وخارج ألدولة، وتقدم خدماتها وفقًا للمعايير الدولية.
ألخدمات الطبية والسياحية المتوفرة لدی IRHTO
We PersiaMehr Co. LTD, founded by Mr.Babak Yousefian located in Tehran and our brand in medical tourism filed is MEDandTRIP which is a Medical Group, cooperating with the best private and governmental hospitals by offer high-class healthcare in Iran. We are partners with the best physicians, surgeons, specialist medical associations & professional staff in all cities of Iran which are active in health tourism and offer the highest level of care & excellent medical services results to ensure full gratification.
SSKmedtour is an international medical tourism facilitator company based in Iran. It has a vast network of partners in Germany, America, Italy, the Czech Republic, Argentina, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE, and Thailand. SSKmedtour brings years of experience and professional academic education to assist patients in finding the best possible solution for their healthcare needs. At SSKmedtour, we provide outstanding medical tourism & health travel packages as well as tailored made treatment options worldwide based on patients’ preferences.
We work with leading hospitals, medical centers and specialized doctors in Iran. Furthermore, we are working effectively and efficiently in providing overall support to patients across the globe for medical needs at an affordable price. We are aware of the difficulties a patient may go through in a foreign country for receiving healthcare services that is why we company our patients at every stage of their travel to
ensure that our patients are always feel at home and never feel alone.
Sskmedtour is the official distributor of bookingsmed in Iran, a medical tourism platform which connect Iran’s medical tourism market to the world. Furthermore, We hold workshops in medical and wellness tourism for our international
students, academicians and professionals seeking an occupation or working in the healthcare industry under the supervision and teachings of Christina De Moraes from US and dr. Prem Jagyasi from India.
SSKmedtour by gathering a professional team of doctors, nurses, hospital
management experts and tourism experts provide medical services for international patients all around the world. We are in Iran but we don’t insist on one city, one hospital or one destination. We organize patient trip in their preferred countries. We schedule all their appointments, formal procedures and all their trip requirements.
Almurshidi Medical Tourism, one of the Middle East’s leading medical tourism facilitator companies, was established in 2015, and since expanded its network to include more than 80 top hospitals, clinics, and medical centers across more than 14 countries, offering comprehensive medical, cosmetic, and health services with plans for further expansion.
Almurshidi Medical Tourism provides a bunch of services and starts from the moment you contact us.