Spinal Fusion

A High-Quality and Affordable Treatment Option in Iran

Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure performed to treat conditions such as spinal stenosis, herniated discs, and degenerative disc disease. This procedure involves fusing two or more vertebrae together to create a single, solid bone.
At Mortaz Hospital's Neurosurgery Department in Yazd, Iran, patients can receive spinal fusion surgery at an affordable cost without compromising the quality of care. Iran has become a popular destination for medical tourism due to its low-cost treatments and high-quality medical services.

In recent years, many international patients have traveled to Iran to receive spinal fusion surgery. This is because Iran has highly trained neurosurgeons, modern medical facilities, and advanced medical technology. Patients who come to Mortaz Hospital can expect to receive excellent care and have access to state-of-the-art medical equipment.

The cost of spinal fusion surgery in Iran is significantly lower than in many other countries. Patients can save up to 70% on their medical bills by choosing to receive treatment in Iran. This is an excellent option for patients who do not have access to affordable medical care in their home countries.

Mortaz Hospital's Neurosurgery Department specializes in spinal fusion surgery, including lumbar fusion. The department's experienced and skilled neurosurgeons use the latest techniques to perform this procedure, including minimally invasive surgery.
If you're considering spinal fusion surgery, you should know that Mortaz Hospital is one of the best options in Iran. Surgical procedure is performed with proper pain control and patients are usually discharged from the hospital on the day after surgery or within 24 to 48 hours. A team of physiotherapists and occupational therapists work alongside the patients for their postoperative rehabilitation. Custom-sized braces are also provided to ensure patient comfort during their recovery period. Patients can be confident that they will receive the highest quality of care and treatment at Mortaz Hospital. 

In conclusion, if you're looking for a high-quality and affordable spinal fusion surgery option, Iran and Mortaz Hospital's Neurosurgery Department are excellent choices. By choosing Iran for your medical treatment, you can save money without compromising the quality of care you receive. Contact Mortaz Hospital's Neurosurgery Department today to learn more about spinal fusion surgery in Iran.

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