Dental and Maxillofacial
Main / Dental and Maxillofacial
In the dental clinic of Mortaz Hospital in Yazd, all dental services such as fixed and removable dentures, endodontic treatment, impacted and wisdom teeth surgery, orthodontics, restoration and beautification of teeth, treatment of gum diseases, tooth scaling and gingival curettage, pediatric dentistry services, fillings, dental implants, composites, and all dental cosmetic procedures are offered. Dental and maxillofacial services in this medical center are provided with excellent quality under the supervision of experienced dentists and with observance of hygiene, infection control methods and sterilization.
Restoration in dentistry includes treatments that are performed by removing the decayed part of the tooth. The restorative material used can be amalgam or of a type that is the same color as the teeth in composite restorations. Endodontic treatment occurs when the depth of caries increases and reaches the nerve canal. Orthodontics is a treatment that is done to align the teeth and thus improve the design of the smile. As mentioned at the beginning, one of the services of Mortaz Hospital in Yazd is dental cosmetic surgery. Today, cosmetic dentistry services have become very popular. The work of a cosmetic dentist is in fact with the appearance of the individual’s teeth, and the set of activities that they perform increase the beauty of one’s teeth. It can be said that cosmetic dentistry is a science beyond mere dentistry. Because in addition to dental science, knowing the materials and working with dental materials, the cosmetic dentist must also be familiar with aesthetic science.
Facilities and equipment of the dental clinic of Mortaz Hospital in Yazd are advanced and up-to-date dental tools. Intraoral and extra oral radiographs, light cure devices, and ultrasonic scaling devices are used in this medical center. Ultrasonic scaling is the use of a tool called an ultrasonic scaler that generates ultrasonic vibrations. With the help of these vibrations, any remnants of plaque and tartar are removed between the teeth. During scaling, water comes out of the head of the device to clean the debris and cool the device. The dental clinic of Mortaz Hospital uses the best materials and tools in providing services.