Genu Varum

Genu Varum is a problem caused by an abnormal angle in the middle of the foot. In this case, the curvature of the knee relative to the position of the thigh is outward; This condition causes the appearance of Genu Varum for the person. In this case, due to the curvature of the femurs and large bones, an internal curvature is created in the middle bone of the leg. In people with a severe genu varum, surgery may be used to treat it. Genu varum is sometimes seen in some children and in some cases improve physiologically and spontaneously without the need for treatment. But in some cases, the defect persists and does not heal on its own. In patients with genu varum, the tibia and femur have abnormal curvature. Genu varum is generally a normal developmental stage in children under 3 years. Infants are also more likely to have genu varum conditions due to the curved legs in the mother’s womb. However, genu varum can cause knee pain and movement limitations, especially in older children. People are either born with genu varum condition or suffer from it due to an injury. Genu varum may be exacerbated by obesity or overuse of the knee joints; And thus become a serious problem. Reaching this stage will make it difficult to treat genu varum.

The cause of genu varum

The causes of genu varum can be different. In infants, vitamin D deficiency, overweight, lack of space to move in the mother’s womb, and osteoporosis generally cause genu varum.

Genu Varum mortazhospital

In adults, causes such as broken legs and improper bone repair, osteoarthritis, and cartilage wear can cause this complication. Thus, the treatment method is completely different for each case. To choose the best treatment method for genu varum you should consider some points. For example, the age of the patient, the cause of the disease, the degree and severity of the genu varum should be considered. This abnormality can be appearing in a person from birth. This means that during the fetal period, the lack of fluid in the uterus around the fetus may cause pressure to the legs, resulting in deflection of the legs. Genu varum can also be treated with non-surgical methods. Especially in infants and children who can be treated to a high degree by wearing medical shoes, braces and also using dietary supplements. Complications of genu varum in adulthood cause increased weight pressure inside the knee and leg. If left untreated, people will develop osteoarthritis of the knee. Because in this case, a lot of pressure is applied to the inside of the knee, which causes wear and joint problems.