Lumbar Disc Surgery

The discs in the spine are the tissues that are located between the vertebrae. This cartilage tissue allows natural movements in the spine by creating flexibility. When a person is young, the discs have a healthy capsule and a normal water content; But with age, the water content of the discs decreases and their outer wall becomes vulnerable. This causes people to have back pain when sitting and getting up. Patients who are at this stage usually see a doctor because of this back pain. If the patient has a history of lumbar disc problems, the outer layer of the disc (disc capsule) ruptures, causing the contents of the lumbar disc to protrude. In lumbar disc herniation, in addition to back pain, there is severe pain in the legs. These pains, called sciatica, are resistant to drug treatment. But the question is, when is lumbar disc surgery needed? If the patient’s problems and pain are not relieved by physical activity, anti-inflammatory drugs, or painkillers, further evaluations should be performed by physicians. At this stage, surgery is the only case that has been proven to be useful for patients. Lumbar disc surgery in Mortaz Hospital in Yazd is performed by prominent physicians in this field.

Signs and symptoms of lumbar disc or lumbar disc herniation

In addition to back and leg pain, which are symptoms of lumbar disc herniation at the stage when surgery is needed, there are other symptoms. Due to the pressure exerted on the nerves by the ruptured disc, the patient is unable to move the ankle, knee, or whole leg. It can also sometimes lead to urinary or fecal incontinence. When people with these symptoms complain of lower extremity pain, they are always advised to have a thorough examination by a doctor.

lumbar disc surgery mortazhospital

A person with lower back or neck pain is initially encouraged to engage in regular, sustained physical activity. But in cases where a person is no longer able to cope with his pain and problem, with the help of these methods, lumbar disc surgery is recommended. Lumbar disc surgery is performed in an up-to-date manner in Yazd Mortaz Hospital.

Types of lumbar disc surgery

  • Laminectomy surgery
  • Microscopic surgery
  • Endoscopic surgery
  • Closed operations

Back pain is one of the most common human problems. But only some of the people with back pain develop lumbar disc herniation and need surgery. People who need lumbar disc surgery for treatment generally:

  • Have severe pain that does not respond to medication.
  • In addition to back and leg pain, they feel weak and sometimes have urinary-fecal incontinence.

After lumbar disc surgery, it is also very important to follow postoperative care. This surgery is performed by a lumbar disc surgeon or spine surgeon.

Lumbar disc surgery is a surgical procedure used to treat lower back pain caused by a herniated disc. At Mortaz Hospital, our skilled neurosurgeons use minimally invasive techniques to perform this surgery with the least possible damage to the surrounding tissues. In addition to the advanced surgical techniques, we also provide personalized care to our patients by offering custom sized braces that allow for early ambulation and comfortability during the recovery period. Our goal is to ensure the best possible outcomes and highest level of comfort for our patients throughout the entire treatment process.