Human health and ensuring health is the first principle and prevention is always better than cure. Many diseases are asymptomatic in the early stages and the patient does not see a doctor at this stage. Late visits by doctor lead to more life and financial damage. According to prevention, an action was created under the title of check-up or health monitoring that people undergo examinations and tests of complete check-ups and imaging procedures, and this provides early diagnosis of many diseases. In today's world, early diagnosis of diseases is considered in medicine due to the possibility of timely treatment, reduction of disease complications and reduction of treatment costs.
We have designed several screening packages, the most important of which are general body screening at three levels and two genders, bone density, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid function, and sexually transmitted diseases.
In addition to traveling to Iran and enjoying its many tourist attractions, you can ensure the health of your body and your companions at a low cost.