Checkup: Screening tests for women in three ranges of age

Each person must perform a series of checkups at different stages of their lives. These tests are done to make sure that the person is aware of the health status of their body. Sometimes some diseases can progress inside a person's body and despite the progression, the person does not notice their disease until they have shown the symptoms and side effects. In this case, the patient may notice their illness when it is somewhat late. However, in cases where the person has taken the checkup tests seriously and taken them seriously, she can seek treatment and prevent the progression of the disease sooner. Some of these tests that are done for checkups are general and some are different depending on the sex of the person. Women's checkups are one of the most important tests that every woman needs to do during the year. Especially in cases where a specific disease is suspected or those who have previously been treated for one of the gynecological diseases. Women's screening tests include cases in which women are generally more likely to develop the disease than men.

There are also diseases that are specific to women. Screening tests at different ages and periodic checkups can prevent these diseases or treat them in a timely manner. Sex hormones, as well as physiological conditions, make women more likely than men to develop certain diseases, such as autoimmune diseases.

Women's checkups at specific time periods and different decades of life can greatly prevent various diseases and keep women healthy for a long time by keeping them healthy. By taking the issue of checkups in women seriously and performing blood tests at regular intervals, it is possible to think of a solution for various problems and diseases that occur to women.

These tests come in many forms, some of which we will briefly mention:

Pap smear: A series of important tests in the examination of women is pap smear that is performed to detect cervical cancer early.

Breast cancer screening: Breast cancer screening test is performed by clinical examination and mammography. These tests are especially important for women who have a family history of the disease.

Blood lipid test: Cholesterol is not a disease in itself, but it is a dangerous factor that causes a variety of heart diseases in people. Due to this, cholesterol and triglyceride levels should be controlled by performing blood lipid tests in women.

Blood pressure screening: Blood pressure more than 140/90 is high blood pressure. Hypertension has other side effects. As a result, if a person's blood pressure is above 120/80, it should be checked regularly on the doctor's recommendation.

Blood sugar tests, fecal occult blood tests for gastrointestinal cancer, thyroid function tests, liver tests, female sex hormone tests, and skin tests are other checkups for women.

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